Life coaching

Test Yourself

Do you want to know if you might be ready for coaching?

Go through the statements. Find out how coachable you are and decide yourself.

Use the number which is the closest for you right now. 
  1. not agree
  2. agree less
  3. maybe
  4. agree more
  5. agree
How much do you agree with these statements?
 Statement Score
 I am and will be honest to myself.
 I don´t mind to express what I need or expect.
 There is a gap between where I am now and where I want to be.
 I believe this is the right time for me to accept coaching.
 I am able to keep my word without struggling.
 I can share my doubts with the coach and get the benefit of trying out new ideas.
 I am fully aware and responsible for my own life and the decisions I make.
 I am ready and willing to change self-defeating behaviours which limit my everyday life.
 I find coaching a worthwhile investment in my life.
 I am willing to create plans and take action to achieve my goals.

  • 10 - 20 Coaching is not for you right now.
  • 21 - 30 Coaching could help, if you would be willing to take action for your   benefit and progress.
  • 31 - 40 You are coachable.
  • 41 - 50 You are very coachable.

If you score 31- 40 Life Coaching could help you. You could see your life from a different viewpoint. You are able to develop your plans. In case you decide to work with a life coach, you should be aware of  necessary action for your benefit. If not, you will not make long lasting life-changing improvements.

If you score over 40 you are ready for a Life Coach! You are willing to create the life you deserve and desire. You might take a moment to contact us right now for a FREE Strategy Coaching Session to find out what coaching can do for you.
Last Modified: 05.Dec.2014 02:12:31 
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