Life coaching

Life Coaching

Life Coaching for change
Before you start
Why online


Change follows naturally and unforced once quality feedback or input is received.
Change might mean loss and loss brings grief.

Sea- change, what kind of change could it be?
Each of us is unique.
One can handle with a situation as an adventure, another one might find difficult to cope.
Dealing with change, positive or negative, can be quite difficult or stressful.
Even positive change can be stressful, though such a change is seen worthwhile and  can be celebrated.
We just feel how fear sneaks in silently on little cat´s feet.
People who search for coaching are usually smart enough, demanding on themselves, curious, creative, want to fulfil their potential. They would like to find some other way how to deal with the situation they are in, the situation which can make them feel like it is out of their control.

Maybe you are in a situation like that and are considering coaching.

What might you do?
  • Go through. Try for a moment to forget about the routine of work, home and social activities. Think of what you are doing and where it is taking you in your life, your business. Focus on your needs and goals.  Be honest to yourself.  Be creative.
  • Write your story. Read it again. It will help you to consider what you have just written. Once you have read  about coaching possibilities, think of your expectations of coaching process.  Test yourself.  Coaching means Trust, Honesty, Openness, it is a mutual trust between coach and coachee. The Coach honestly believes that you are able to manage your life, can find and implement the best way to achieve your goal or solving problems, believes that you have the necessary resources. It´s a confidential partnership. If you are decided  or  you feel that´s what might  empower you,

Free Coaching Session

It precedes targeted coaching process. It is a meeting of 45 minutes in the prearranged time. You will bring a specific outcome you want to take away from the session.  There will be questions. There is no pressure if you feel it is not for you we can stop. You will be informed  how coaching can work for you. After that you can freely decide if you wish to order one-to-one online coaching.
One- to- One Coaching

One to One session is available on Social media (Skype, MSN) in a pre-arranged time.
The coaching process requires a real commitment and full participation of both sides (coach and coachee). It´s a confidential partnership based on Code of Ethics declared by ICF (International Coach Federation). 

Each session includes:
  • 45 minutes contact time
  • thinking exercises and assignments using questions and answers
  • review preparation and follow-up for the next session
One mail contact between each session is included.
Package of 4 sessions in maximum 2 month time frame is an ideal time to start.
There are other possibilities available. 
The  ideal solution to fit for each coachee can be provided after getting familiar with the issue.

Ask for pricing.


Sir John Whitmore, one of the founders of coaching, defines coaching in his book Performance Coaching as:
“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise our own performance.  It is helping us to learn rather than teaching us.“
Coaching is a process during which we consciously look for what we want, we address specific our personal projects, for example business success, general conditions and transitions in our personal life, relationships, profession. We can write our own story by examining what is going on right now, discovering what our obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make our life be what we want it to be. The pen is in our hand.

Coach  is:
Individual guide who can guide us, motivate us, support us, empower to focus to discover and use our own potential. To anticipate and overcome the possible obstacles, but   the way we unravel our story shall be the way of our choice.

The Coach does not judge, condemn or tutor our behaviour.

Coachee is:
Everybody who has a Coachable goal, or wants a change (even if not defined) and wants to move forward, but doesn´t know, is not sure, or is confused how to reach it. He/she is ready to take an action for it.

Coachable goal is:
The Coachable goal means to make some changes to get to a place where we want to be in our life, in a certain time frame and we are willing to act now and start step by step to achieve our  goal.

The Coachable Goal is smart:
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-oriented.

Change is:
According to the definition of life in the Oxford Dictionary, life is "a state of functional activity and continual change peculiar to organized matter."
So we can say that life itself is a river of permanent changes and interconnected activities.
Example of some changes :
  • Everyday changes: buying some new furniture, preparing birthday party, creating new hair style, watching our weight....
  • Expected changes: (pleasant or stressful): finishing university, wedding, divorce, death of our friends, relatives after long-term illness, moving into a new place, country....
  • Unexpected changes: illness of our children, friends, parents; winning of some amount of money/car, being fired from work....
  • Desired changes: Improving our skills (to be better at communication, marathon running, English language), dealing with habits (smoking, over eating, being late), overcome our limits (when our inside tells: you can´t do it, you are not brave enough, you are not good enough, etc.) ....
  • Pragmatic changes: increasing the competition, technological innovations, globalization, immigration....

Sea-change is:

A  very big or important change.
Which one is the biggest or the most important?  How do we deal with these changes? ! 
It can be anything that  makes us  feel stuck, out of control and we want to change it.  Read more, consider online coaching.

Why Coaching Works:

Because of creating a realistic positive image of ourselves and others.

Coaching means a positive focus:
  • on what we want to  (not what we do not want to)
  • on  what resources we have (not on what we do not)
  • on knowing and using  the strengths we can use (not to what we cannot)
  • how we can be rewarded (not punished)


Online Coaching is:

Building the coaching relationship in our time and our space. It can fit with our schedule, geographic location, our individual needs and interests. It will save time and money.

It is ideal as well for people who do not have direct access to a Coach, as:
  • you live in remote location  and  just cannot or do not wish to travel
  • you do not  or cannot spare the time for  travelling because you might  consider travelling as a waste of time
  • you feel secure and comfortable in  your own home

Using  IT Technology  and a coach can empower and help to close the gap from where you are and  where you  want to be.

How does a coaching online session look like ?

We meet a coach on Social media (Skype, MSN) in a pre-arranged time.
Each session has an agreed pre-arranged time limit.
Coachee comes with her/his “agenda“   of issues or areas of her/his life.
Coach  empowers coachees to transform their thinking, optimise her/his resources by using empowered questions, thinking exercises.
Each session has a review, preparation and follow(ed)-up session.
Last Modified: 05.Dec.2014 02:12:31 
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